So after months of work, the core of the server is finally somewhat finished. With closing the last gap on Taming and adding a few more items the next steps will be balancing those mechanics to allow an offensive/defensive/supporting…
Stronger Monsters now drop more rewarding loots, now you can farm everything and don’t need to grind the lowest mobs in order to make the most profit. Level Up’s now require Tix and the same amount of Gold,…
There are 16 new Artifact Items with special Abilities. Check them out here!
Welcome to the New Party System. Hunting together in a Party now gives your Partymembers the same amount of Exp you get while…
The whole homepage is finally showing correct infos and has been completly reworked! Its also time for some crafting! For now we have included Alchemy, Mining, Blacksmithing and Fishing. More expansions will follow! Check out…
Overall Changes: Some Weapons and Armors are now Levelable with Fragments. Those Fragments drop from the Npcs itself. Bosses often drop an higher Amount of Fragments. Stronger Monsters of that kind will drop higher level armor parts. …