Robes & Capes


Deathshroud can be bought at the Item Sellers in Trade Island.

Binary Strength Robe

Gives +4 to Strength (level 1)
Gives +8 to Strength (level 2)
Gives +16 to Strength (level 3)
Gives +32 to Strength (level 4)
Gives +64 to Strength (level 5)
Binary Strength Robe can be found in various Dungeons.

Binary Dexterity Robe

Gives +4 to Dexterity (level 1)
Gives +8 to Dexterity (level 2)
Gives +16 to Dexterity (level 3)
Gives +32 to Dexterity (level 4)
Gives +64 to Dexterity (level 5)
Binary Dexterity Robe can be found in various Dungeons.

Binary Intelligence Robe

Gives +4 to Intelligence (level 1)
Gives +8 to Intelligence (level 2)
Gives +16 to Intelligence (level 3)
Gives +32 to Intelligence (level 4)
Gives +64 to Intelligence (level 5)
Binary Intelligence Robe can be found in various Dungeons.

Magery Robe

Gives +10.0 to Magery
Can be found in various Dungeons

Magery Cloak

Gives +10.0 to Magery
Can be found in various Dungeons

Magery Hat

Gives +10.0 to Magery
Can be found in various Dungeons

Magery Book

Gives +10.0 to Magery
Can be found in various Dungeons

Skill Robe

Gives + 10.0-20.0 to a certain Skill (level 1)
Gives + 20.0-30.0 to a certain Skill (level 2)
Skill Robe can be claimed at the Nox Quest Npc in Covetous.  

Healing Shroud

Heals you +5 Hits every 3 seconds up to (Strength) Hits
Healing Items can be found at the Temple Of The Healers. They drop from Holy Knight or can be claimed at the Spirit Seeker Quest Npc for 3 Gems of the Spirit.

Robe of Magic Resistance

Req Level: 40 / Req Str: 0
Gives + 100.0 to Magic Resistance
Robe of Magic Resistance can be found in various Dungeons. It drops from Elder Elementals at a chance of 1 to 30.

Lifeleech Robe

Req Level: 0 / Req Str: 0
Gives + 2-5 Lifeleech
Lifeleech Robe can be found in Despise. It drops from Vampiric Mass at a chance of 1 to 10.

Overlord Robe

Req Level: 0 / Req Str: 0
Gives + 50-150 Overhits
Overlord Robe can be found in the Overlord Dungeon. It drops from various Overlord Creatures at a chance of 1 to 25-100. ( Overhits can be regenerated or leeched on top of your maximum hitpoints )

Crystal Robe

Req Level: 45 / Req Str: 250
Absorbs 1/10 Hits
Crystal Robe can be found in the Evil Dungeon Complex. It drops from Crystal Elementals at a chance of 1 to 50.

Elemental Robe

Req Level: 40 / Req Str: 200
Gives + 20 Armor
Gives + 1-10% Air/Fire/Earth/Water Resistance
Elemental Robe can be found in Diablo Lair. It drops from Elder Elementals at a chance of 1 to 60.

Psy Robe

Req Level: 50 / Req Str: 200
Gives + 40 Armor
Gives + 1-10 Air/Fire/Earth/Water Damage when using an Air/Fire/Earth/Water Elemental Weapon
Psy Robe can be found in Tawind. It drops from Psy Warriors at a chance of 1 to 30.

Notum Armor Robe

Req Level: 80 / Req Str: 400
Gives + 100 Strength
Notum Armor Robe can be found deep inside Tawind. It Drops from Notum Soldiers at a chance of 1 to 20.

Knight’s Cloak

Gives + 10% to Parrying
Knight’s Cloak can be found in various dungeons. It drops from low-mid undead monsters at a high chance.

Healing Cloak

Heals you +5 Hits every 3 seconds up to (Strength) Hits
Healing Items can be found at the Temple Of The Healers. They drop from Holy Knight or can be claimed at the Spirit Seeker Quest Npc for 3 Gems of the Spirit.

Blackfire Cape

Req Level: 40 / Req Str: 400
Gives + 15-30 Armor
Blackfire Cape can be found in Mistas and various other Dungeons. It drops from 4 Armed Daemon at a chance of 1 to 100.

Overlord Cloak

Req Level: 0 / Req Str: 0
Gives + 50-150 Overhits
Overlord Cloak can be found in the Overlord Dungeon. It drops from the Overlord at a chance of 1 to 10.

Cloak of Displacement

Req Level: 60 / Req Str: 0
Absorbs 1/7 Hits
Cloak of Displacement is dropped by Lord Diablo himself.